Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to: Replace a PS3 hard drive

One of my favourite features of the Playstation 3, being able to easily replace and upgrade the hdd! Not only does it not void your warranty, but Sony themselves advertise this fact. With our game collections always growing and more and more download content appearing, it’s likely that most people will be starting to run out of hdd space soon. Here’s a quick and easy guide that will give you a huge upgrade on hard drive size for a very cheap price!

1. Backing up your data:

Turn your PS3 on, connect an external drive (the size depends on how much you want/need to back-up), go to Settings -> System Settings -> Backup Utility -> Backup. Your external drive will need to be formatted in FAT32 but this is easy to do on both Mac and Windows. My 60gb backup took nearly two hours…

2. Remove the original hard drive:

Make sure you have turned off your console and then flicked the off switch on the back. Unplug all cables and follow the above photo to locate the hard drive cover. A small flat head screwdriver will do the job to gently lift it up and off.

Game over: devs can't spell character name

Just a quickie, but was watching the first official trailer for the second Watchman game episode and noticed something I couldn’t pass on.

If you’ve seen the movie or read the comics, you’d know that one of the characters is Nite Owl… note the spelling.

Here’s a frame from the game trailer…

Not a huge difference but certainly a huge deal and a HUGE fail. Everywhere I have seen, the character is always called Nite Owl and not Night Owl. Spelling mistakes are common (I’m no expert myself) and certainly understandable… in everyday life. But you have to wonder how an official game with the official licence can screw something like this up. Even if it is a crappy, budget title.